Travel & Location

Conference venue and address

Voksenåsen hotel
Address: Ullveien 4, 0791 Oslo

Google Maps:

Image: Udo Schröter, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Directions from Oslo Airport Gardermoen to the Voksenåsen hotel:

  • Regular train from the airport to Oslo Central Station: Single fare 118 NOK (€10). Tickets are bought online  Vy | Train | Bus | Taxi | Book your trip at | or at the airport using the ticket machines. 
  • Airport Express train from the airport to Oslo Central Station: Single fare 230 NOK (€19.5). Tickets are bought using the ticket machines at the airport, the Airport Express desk or online (valid for 90 days): Buy tickets for Flytoget Airport Express train here! –
  • Airport Express bus from the airport to Radisson Blue Scandinavia (stops outside a hotel, from there it’s a 5 minute walk to Nationaltheateret metro station): Single fare from 219 NOK (€18.6): Buy tickets online Home (
  • Metro ticket from Oslo Central Station (or Nationaltheateret in case you take the Airport Express Bus): Single fare ticket 40 NOK (€3.40) in the Ruter app or from a kiosk (Narvesen, 7 Eleven or Deli de Luca) before boarding.

Directions from Sandefjord Airport Torp

Bus service Torpekspressen (buy tickets online):

Single fare 371 NOK (€31.5) 

The bus takes you to Oslo Bus Terminal in 1 h and 35 min, and from there, you walk to Oslo Central Station or Grønland metro station and follow the “metro ticket” instructions above (single fare ticket).